薔薇與曙光之約 The Promise of the Aurosa and the Dawn | ||
![]() 專輯封面 | ||
原名 | 薔薇與曙光之約 The Promise of the Aurosa and the Dawn | |
出品 | FoldEcho | |
發行 | 疊紙遊戲 | |
發行日期 | 2025年2月19日 | |
專輯類型 | 錄音室專輯 | |
《無限暖暖》OST | ||
前一作 | 本作 | 後一作 |
石樹與夜鶯之鄉 Stonewoods and the Silvergale |
薔薇與曙光之約 The Promise of the Aurosa and the Dawn |
流星點亮的心願 A Wish Upon a Shooting Star |
《薔薇與曙光之約 The Promise of the Aurosa and the Dawn》是疊紙遊戲研發的遊戲《無限暖暖》的「祈願樹林」OST專輯。
曲目列表 | |||||||||
曲序 | 曲目 | 時長 | |||||||
1. | 小小的邀請(A Small Invitation) | 1:35 | |||||||
2. | 古木晝歌(Daylight at the Grand Millewish Tree) | 1:31 | |||||||
3. | 古木夜語(Night Whispers of the Grand Millewish Tree) | 1:34 | |||||||
4. | 每分每秒每個願望(Every Minute, Every Second, Every Wish) | 1:48 | |||||||
5. | 每時每刻每個奇想(Every Hour, Every Instant, Every Whim) | 1:48 | |||||||
6. | 願望不打烊(Wishes Never Sleep) | 1:26 | |||||||
7. | 從底妝開始(First, The Foundation) | 1:41 | |||||||
8. | 面膜棉被小夜曲(Serenade Of Masks And Comforters) | 1:16 | |||||||
9. | 淺溪小哨(Whistling By The Stream) | 1:44 | |||||||
10. | 漸聞風中心願聲(Traces of Wishes in the Wind) | 1:38 | |||||||
11. | 星星和我們的倒影(Stars and Our Reflections) | 2:05 | |||||||
12. | 流螢去哪裡(Where Do the Fireflies Go?) | 1:41 | |||||||
13. | 葉子裡的小鄰居(Little Neighbors Among The Leaves) | 1:41 | |||||||
14. | 林蔭閒遊(Strolling Through the Shade) | 1:37 | |||||||
15. | 唱吧唱吧,心願也一起(Singing Alongside Wishes) | 2:03 | |||||||
16. | 願望會悄悄發芽(Silently Sprouting Wishes) | 2:08 | |||||||
17. | 摘下星星做葉子(Plucking Stars for Leaves) | 1:42 | |||||||
18. | 祈盼金薔薇(To Wish for the Aurosa) | 1:40 | |||||||
19. | 心願紀念之地(Sanctuary Of Wishes) | 1:38 | |||||||
20. | 星與願(Stars and Wishes) | 2:07 | |||||||
21. | 心願的長卷(Long Scroll of Wishes) | 1:45 | |||||||
22. | 稍息立正起飛!(At Ease, Get Ready, And Go!) | 1:42 | |||||||
23. | 好好訓練,天天向上(Work Hard and Forge Ahead) | 1:32 | |||||||
24. | 夜巡的眼睛(Eyes of the Night Watch) | 2:09 | |||||||
25. | 守夜時刻(Keeping Watch Through the Night) | 1:41 | |||||||
26. | 金薔薇花谷(Aurosa Valley) | 1:35 | |||||||
27. | 燦爛慶典(A Splendid Celebration) | 1:33 | |||||||
28. | 繽紛準備中(Vibrant Preparations) | 1:32 | |||||||
29. | 祝你如星(May You Shine Like a Star) | 1:39 | |||||||
30. | 純真的誕生(The Birth of Innocence) | 1:38 | |||||||
31. | 繁星的呼吸(Breath of the Stars) | 1:38 | |||||||
32. | 歸於星夜(Returning to a Starry Night) | 1:45 | |||||||
33. | 怪味道的秘密(Secret Of The Bizarre Taste) | 1:15 | |||||||
34. | 願望的幽聲(Traces Of A Wish) | 1:30 | |||||||
35. | 古鑄劍遺址(Swordsmith Ruins) | 1:32 | |||||||
36. | 長夜如銹(A Night as Long as Rus) | 1:35 | |||||||
37. | 幽願(Hidden Wishes) | 1:44 | |||||||
38. | 好願望,歡迎你!(Welcome, Wishes!) | 1:33 | |||||||
39. | 舊篇與新章(Old Pages, New Chapters) | 1:34 | |||||||
40. | 暗湧的絕望(Hidden Despair) | 1:58 | |||||||
41. | 用指尖,碰觸夢(Fingertips Touching Dreams) | 0:56 | |||||||
42. | 猜猜看!香氛後調(Guess The Perfume'S Final Note!) | 1:38 | |||||||
43. | 一泵粉底,一泵快樂(One Pump Of Foundation, One Pump Of Joy) | 1:27 | |||||||
44. | 睫毛爵士,眨呀眨(Blinking Jazzy Lashes) | 2:11 | |||||||
45. | 一筆高光,點亮!(Illuminating Highlights) | 0:26 | |||||||
46. | 入鞘之劍(A Sheathed Sword) | 2:37 | |||||||
47. | 風與火的淬鍊(Tempered By Wind And Fire) | 2:03 | |||||||
48. | 永恆照耀的曙光(Eternal Dawn) | 2:06 | |||||||
49. | 百鍊迴響(Echoes Of The Forge) | 2:06 | |||||||
50. | 千錘不朽(Immortal Through A Thousand Strikes) | 2:08 | |||||||
51. | 萬丈曙色(Endless Dawn) | 2:08 | |||||||
52. | 久違了,騎士(Long Time No See, Knight) | 2:10 | |||||||
53. | 願望不迷路(Wishes Never Lose Their Way) | 0:43 | |||||||
54. | 通往星空的送願曲(A Serenade to the Stars) | 1:01 | |||||||
55. | 曦光藏在你身邊(The Dawn Fox Beside You) | 2:27 | |||||||
56. | 曦光因你閃亮亮(The Dawn Fox Shines Because of You) | 2:27 | |||||||
57. | 信仰,超越謊言!(Faith, Beyond Lies!) | 1:42 | |||||||
58. | 信仰,擊碎絕望!(Faith, Shattering Despair!) | 2:16 | |||||||
59. | 綻放吧,小小心願(Bloom, Little Wishes) | 1:44 | |||||||
60. | 金薔薇奇蹟(The Aurosa Miracle) | 2:22 | |||||||
總時長: |
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