花與願之歌 Song of Flowers and Wishes | ||
![]() 專輯封面 | ||
原名 | 花與願之歌 Song of Flowers and Wishes | |
出品 | FoldEcho | |
發行 | 疊紙遊戲 | |
發行日期 | 2025年1月24日 | |
專輯類型 | 錄音室專輯 | |
《無限暖暖》OST | ||
前一作 | 本作 | 後一作 |
無 | 花與願之歌 Song of Flowers and Wishes |
石樹與夜鶯之鄉 Stonewoods and the Silvergale |
《花與願之歌 Song of Flowers and Wishes》是疊紙遊戲研發的遊戲《無限暖暖》的「花願鎮」與「微風綠野」OST專輯。
精彩的旅途仍在繼續,一起\\\Nikki Nikki///起來~
曲目列表 | |||||||||
曲序 | 曲目 | 時長 | |||||||
1. | \\\Nikki Nikki/// | 1:27 | |||||||
2. | 奇蹟大陸的起點(Step into Miraland) | 2:25 | |||||||
3. | 編織願景(Weaving a Dream) | 2:13 | |||||||
4. | 願望搖曳的街角(The Corner Where Wishes Sway) | 2:05 | |||||||
5. | 呢喃心聲(Heartfelt Whispers) | 1:55 | |||||||
6. | 願望安睡於屋簷(Wishes Beneath the Eaves) | 2:23 | |||||||
7. | 今日的心願(The Wish of a New Day) | 1:58 | |||||||
8. | 花的心絃(Heartstring of a Flower) | 2:26 | |||||||
9. | 今夜的夢中(Within a Dream) | 2:10 | |||||||
10. | 花眠記(Slumbering Blossoms) | 2:02 | |||||||
11. | 飛吧,紙鶴(Flight of the Paper Crane) | 3:02 | |||||||
12. | 晚安,心願(Good Night, My Wish) | 3:08 | |||||||
13. | 裙擺翩躚的湖畔(By the Lakeside) | 3:09 | |||||||
14. | 燈火蕩漾的水岸(Lights by the Waterside) | 3:04 | |||||||
15. | 圍兜狸貓,跳跳跳(Bibcoon Dance) | 1:38 | |||||||
16. | 當奇想降臨(The Arrival of Whim) | 2:14 | |||||||
17. | 勤勞的梭織(A Diligent Day) | 1:35 | |||||||
18. | 針線的夢囈(Dreams of Needles) | 0:36 | |||||||
19. | 一茶匙的日光(A Spoonful of Sunshine) | 1:10 | |||||||
20. | 飛鳥歸來時(When the Birds Return) | 0:39 | |||||||
21. | 旋轉不停的八音盒(The Spinning Music Box) | 2:00 | |||||||
22. | 小綿菊的晨歌(The Morning Song of the Daisy) | 1:59 | |||||||
23. | 美妝大師,登場!(Here Comes Timis!) | 1:09 | |||||||
24. | 許願樹下(Beneath the Wishtree) | 1:09 | |||||||
25. | 乘夜追擊(Under the Cover of Night) | 2:13 | |||||||
26. | 黑暗時分(Moments of Darkness) | 0:47 | |||||||
27. | 呱呱華爾茲(Ribbit Waltz) | 1:37 | |||||||
28. | 雨中舞(Dancing in the Rain) | 2:17 | |||||||
29. | 叮咚的心情(Echoes of Ding-Dong) | 1:15 | |||||||
30. | 是,呱呱船長(O Captain! My Croaker!) | 1:00 | |||||||
31. | 夢露爵士夜(The Monroefin Jam) | 2:39 | |||||||
32. | 心願的搖籃(The Cradle of Wishes) | 2:24 | |||||||
33. | 通向願望深處(To the Heart of Wishes) | 2:08 | |||||||
34. | 落入夢境(Falling into a Dream) | 2:21 | |||||||
35. | 隱秘的願望(Hidden Wishes) | 1:00 | |||||||
36. | 心願,千千萬萬(Thousands Upon Thousands of Wishes) | 0:45 | |||||||
37. | 願望沉眠之地(Where Wishes Lay) | 1:10 | |||||||
38. | 摺紙向飛(Find My Way) | 3:15 | |||||||
39. | 搶奪願望瓶(Taking the Wish Bottle) | 2:28 | |||||||
40. | 金薔薇的初綻(When the Aurosa Blooms) | 1:17 | |||||||
41. | 遙遠的詩篇(A Poem Faraway) | 2:56 | |||||||
42. | 捕一網自然(Catching Bugs) | 2:48 | |||||||
43. | 蟲鳴織夜曲(Nocturnal Murmurs) | 2:35 | |||||||
44. | 微風的擁抱(Touched By a Breeze) | 2:03 | |||||||
45. | 歸家的晚風(Homeward Breeze) | 2:06 | |||||||
46. | 好!綠野(Morning, Breezy Meadow!) | 2:01 | |||||||
47. | 晚風輕悄(A Soft Evening Breeze) | 2:02 | |||||||
48. | 悠然的垂釣(The Leisureely Anglers) | 2:18 | |||||||
49. | 微風中的綠野(Breezes in the Meadow) | 2:45 | |||||||
50. | 與綠野同眠(Sleeping in the Meadow) | 3:07 | |||||||
51. | 舊殿門扉(Gates of the Palace Ruins) | 1:43 | |||||||
52. | 殘垣的舊夢(Faded Dreams of the Ruins) | 1:48 | |||||||
53. | 封存的遺蹟(Silent Ruins) | 1:26 | |||||||
54. | 濃霧散盡時(When the Fog Breaks) | 2:37 | |||||||
55. | 硝煙已泯滅(After the Smoke Has Cleared) | 1:52 | |||||||
56. | 白牛的盛宴邀請(The Bullquet's Invitation) | 1:33 | |||||||
57. | 白牛的燭光約定(Night With the Bullquet) | 0:45 | |||||||
58. | 天鵝的祝歌(The Swan's Blessing) | 1:45 | |||||||
59. | 風帆,遠行吧(Sailing Away) | 1:16 | |||||||
60. | 靜悄悄的夜泊(Night Mooring) | 0:59 | |||||||
61. | 時光依然生長(Time Goes On) | 1:55 | |||||||
62. | 幽遠苔痕(Distant Traces) | 1:32 | |||||||
63. | 遺蹟的一夜(Among the Ruins) | 1:56 | |||||||
64. | 回憶的刻痕(Traces of a Distant Memory) | 2:03 | |||||||
65. | 戍守誓言(The Vow of the Guardian) | 1:32 | |||||||
66. | 郊野的行歌(Song of the Open Fields) | 4:09 | |||||||
67. | 郊野的歸途(The Journey Home) | 2:55 | |||||||
68. | 淨化時間到!(Purification Time!) | 1:22 | |||||||
69. | 光的奇蹟(A Miracle of Light) | 2:05 | |||||||
70. | 美鴨梨,沖鴨!(Go, Pear-Pal!) | 1:17 | |||||||
71. | 星星,就在身邊(Find the Whimstar!) | 0:34 | |||||||
72. | 奇想不等人(Whim Waits for No One) | 1:22 | |||||||
73. | 雲上星途(Stars Above the Clouds) | 0:51 | |||||||
74. | 全速前行(Full Speed Ahead) | 1:14 | |||||||
75. | 滿分向前衝(Going for That Perfect Score) | 0:42 | |||||||
76. | 乘一隻紙鶴(Riding on a Paper Crane) | 0:52 | |||||||
77. | 目標,球門!(Go for the Goal!) | 0:45 | |||||||
78. | 洗香香小調(Bye-Bye Dust!) | 0:29 | |||||||
79. | 感悟時刻(Acquiring) | 1:59 | |||||||
80. | 思緒的秘境(Mysteries of the Mind) | 3:13 | |||||||
81. | 奇想激化(Escalation) | 1:56 | |||||||
82. | 月色中的回憶(Moonlit Memories) | 1:07 | |||||||
83. | 女妖的木偶(The Banshee's Puppet) | 0:55 | |||||||
84. | 追憶,典雅之舞(A Dance of Elegance) | 1:01 | |||||||
85. | 決戰帥氣之巔(The Duel for Cool) | 1:00 | |||||||
86. | 金色願望,銀色迷夢(Wishes and Delusions) | 2:49 | |||||||
87. | 你就是無限(Infinity Begins With You) | 1:28 | |||||||
總時長: |
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