石樹與夜鶯之鄉 Stonewoods and the Silvergale | ||
![]() 專輯封面 | ||
原名 | 石樹與夜鶯之鄉 Stonewoods and the Silvergale | |
出品 | FoldEcho | |
發行 | 疊紙遊戲 | |
發行日期 | 2025年2月12日 | |
專輯類型 | 錄音室專輯 | |
《無限暖暖》OST | ||
前一作 | 本作 | 後一作 |
花與願之歌 Song of Flowers and Wishes |
石樹與夜鶯之鄉 Stonewoods and the Silvergale |
薔薇與曙光之約 The Promise of the Aurosa and the Dawn |
《石樹與夜鶯之鄉 Stonewoods and the Silvergale》是疊紙遊戲研發的遊戲《無限暖暖》的「石樹田」OST專輯。
曲目列表 | |||||||||
曲序 | 曲目 | 時長 | |||||||
1. | 悠遊石樹之鄉(Wandering in Stonewoods) | 1:30 | |||||||
2. | 晚風的遐想(Musings of the Evening Breeze) | 2:02 | |||||||
3. | 草籃咣噹(The Bustling Morning Market) | 2:04 | |||||||
4. | 晚集的餘音(The Evening Market) | 1:58 | |||||||
5. | 紫穗草的祝福(The Blessing of the Lavenfringe) | 2:05 | |||||||
6. | 花與綿羊之夢(Dreams of Flowers and Sheep) | 2:08 | |||||||
7. | 梭織交響曲(The Symphony of Weaving) | 1:24 | |||||||
8. | 夜鶯的歌祝(The Silvergale's Blessing) | 1:32 | |||||||
9. | 落石谷往事(Tales of Rockfall Valley) | 1:30 | |||||||
10. | 遠鄉無歸途(A Distant Land With No Return) | 1:58 | |||||||
11. | 翻湧的麥浪(Golden Fields) | 1:33 | |||||||
12. | 豐收遺留在昨日(Yesterday's Harvest) | 1:33 | |||||||
13. | 農場小夜曲(Fields Serenade) | 1:27 | |||||||
14. | 稻草人之夢(The Scarecrow's Dream) | 1:45 | |||||||
15. | 芳香的漣漪(Fragrant Ripples) | 1:43 | |||||||
16. | 往日香醇(Fragrances of Days Gone By) | 1:33 | |||||||
17. | 無聲發酵(Brewing in Tranquility) | 1:29 | |||||||
18. | 小酌時間(A Small Sip) | 1:43 | |||||||
19. | 準備!應歡樂邀約(The Call of Joy) | 1:42 | |||||||
20. | 來吧!與歡樂熱舞(Dancing With Joy) | 1:35 | |||||||
21. | 聆聽!悠遠的故事(Listening to a Faraway Tale) | 1:31 | |||||||
22. | 謝幕時刻(The Curtain Call) | 1:33 | |||||||
23. | 當歡樂止息(When Happiness Is No More) | 1:45 | |||||||
24. | 難眠的夜(A Restless Night) | 1:25 | |||||||
25. | 汽笛依然嗚嗚(Choo-Choo, the Whistle Blows) | 1:33 | |||||||
26. | 期待下一站(Awaiting the Next Stop) | 1:42 | |||||||
27. | 空站台(The Empty Platform) | 1:37 | |||||||
28. | 末班車(The Last Train) | 1:37 | |||||||
29. | 嗚嗚車站疑雲(Choo-Choo Station Mystery) | 1:36 | |||||||
30. | 列車停駛的夜晚(The Night the Train Stopped) | 1:30 | |||||||
31. | 唯有遺忘棲居(The Forgotten) | 1:34 | |||||||
32. | 縫補布料,縫補生活(Mending Fabric, Mending Lives) | 1:37 | |||||||
33. | 時刻尋覓(An Endless Search) | 1:38 | |||||||
34. | 寂靜的古村(The Silent Old Village) | 1:40 | |||||||
35. | 遺忘,或是銘記(To Forget or to Remember) | 1:37 | |||||||
36. | 無法實現的願望(A Wish Unfulfilled) | 1:37 | |||||||
37. | 飛花的嚮往(Floral Gliding: Wishes) | 1:37 | |||||||
38. | 飛花的雀躍(Floral Gliding: Bliss) | 1:39 | |||||||
39. | 沸雨(A Treacherous Storm) | 1:39 | |||||||
40. | 風暴之肆(The Storm Unleashed) | 1:44 | |||||||
41. | 最高!石之冠(To the Pinnacle: Stonecrown!) | 1:36 | |||||||
42. | 千年守望(A Thousand Year Vigil) | 1:36 | |||||||
43. | 傳說的風息(Legends in the Wind) | 1:37 | |||||||
44. | 願與夜鶯之夜(Night of the Silvergale) | 1:43 | |||||||
45. | 淪陷!石之冠(The Fall of Stonecrown) | 1:43 | |||||||
46. | 風暴侵襲(The Coming of the Storm) | 1:42 | |||||||
47. | 燦金的喜悅(A Golden Harvest) | 2:02 | |||||||
48. | 悠悠風車(Windmill in the Breeze) | 1:22 | |||||||
49. | 磨聲依舊(The Grinding Mill) | 1:33 | |||||||
50. | 風中的香氣(Fragrances in the Wind) | 1:31 | |||||||
51. | 星空釣場(Stellar Fishing Ground) | 1:05 | |||||||
52. | 駛向豐饒(Journey to Prosperity) | 0:48 | |||||||
53. | 石樹環遊記(Stonewoods Touring) | 0:48 | |||||||
54. | 第一圈漣漪(The First Ripple) | 1:10 | |||||||
55. | 芳香宴請(A Feast of Fragrances) | 1:27 | |||||||
56. | 板車急韻(Fast Forward) | 1:27 | |||||||
57. | 深窖的泉鳴(Echoes of the Cellar) | 1:00 | |||||||
58. | 漣漪歲月(Ripples in Time) | 2:15 | |||||||
59. | 浮香縈繞(Lingering Fragrances) | 0:57 | |||||||
60. | 列車,列車,靜悄悄(The Ghost Train) | 1:10 | |||||||
61. | 幽靈的遊戲(Ghosts at Play) | 1:42 | |||||||
62. | 休憩的車廂(Ghost Train in Silence) | 0:46 | |||||||
63. | 幽靈狂舞(The Ghost Dance) | 0:17 | |||||||
64. | 急停列車(Stop the Train!) | 1:23 | |||||||
65. | 金色願望瓶(The Aureum Vase) | 1:53 | |||||||
66. | 真假單品靈(Among Pieceys) | 0:29 | |||||||
67. | 踩著節拍,一起搖擺!(Groove Along!) | 1:05 | |||||||
68. | 星空下的心願(Wishes Under a Starry Sky) | 0:40 | |||||||
69. | 翱翔於星空之上(Soaring Above the Stars) | 4:29 | |||||||
70. | 貪婪囚鳥(The Caged Greed) | 1:28 | |||||||
71. | 貪婪的序曲(A Prelude to Greed) | 1:33 | |||||||
72. | 貪慾的狂舞(The Wild Dance of Greed) | 1:47 | |||||||
73. | 絕望的預言(A Prophecy of Despair) | 4:37 | |||||||
74. | 歸鄉曲(Ballade of Homeland) | 1:25 | |||||||
總時長: |
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