“ | 某人的劍,還沒有生鏽。 | ” |
未銹鎧 A Knight | |
基本資料 | |
介質 | 無名之血 |
靈感 | 騎士的魂靈[靈] 騎士技藝 |
香調 | 皮革調 琥珀 橡木苔 高級油膏 |
尺寸 | 59 3/50×31 6/25×5 3/25in. |
配音 | Philip Desmeules(英語) 桑毓澤(漢語) 速水獎(日語) 장민혁(韓語) |
萌點 | 騎士、富有正義感、刀劍、鎧甲、Saber立、特殊第一人稱 本色:披風 |
活動範圍 | 法蘭克王國以及其周邊地區 |
烏特圖雜誌標題 | 《騎士精神》 |
語音一覽 | |||
初遇 | 某人只是一介不知名的流浪騎士。蒙您收留,如不嫌棄,請讓某人為您效勞至最後一刻。 Someone is just a knight, nameless, wandering, beholden to thee for taking me in. If thou dost not mind, please let Someone serve thee till the end. | ||
箱中氣候 | 如果雨再不停的話,某人可就要成為第一個因盔甲生鏽而犧牲的騎士了。 If it doesn't stop raining, Someone will be the first knight to sacrifice his life because of the rusty armor. | ||
致未來🔒 | 如今擁有騎士精神的年輕人已經不多了……未來,會變得更少嗎?真令某人擔憂。 Chivalry today is not common among young people. In the future, will it be even worse? It really makes Someone worry. | ||
孑立 | 某人偶爾也會像您一樣目光遊離,但從未有人發覺。 Sometimes Someone looks away just like thee, but no one hath noticed it. | ||
問候 | 您好,最近怎麼樣? Bonjour, comment allez-vous? | ||
朝晨 | 貴安。某人正在訓練如何讓餐盤在劍尖上旋轉並保持平衡。 Good morning. Someone is practicing how to rotate the plate on the tip of the sword and keep balance. | ||
信任-朝晨🔒 | 在某人生活的年代,尚未有吃早餐的習俗。不過,您的餐點看起來如此美味,令某人也想給自己抹點潤滑油脂了。 In the age when Someone lived, breakfast is not customary. However, thy meal looks so delicious that Someone would like to have some grease for himself. | ||
夜暮 | 您擔心熬夜會禿頭嗎?某人這裡有來自主君的古老秘方……噢,請不要翻看他孫子的畫像。某人相信兩者之間沒有必然聯繫。 Are you worried about going bald if you stay up late? Someone hath an ancient secret recipe from my Lord ... Oh, please do not look at the portrait of his grandson. Someone believes there is no necessary connection between the two. | ||
信任-夜暮🔒 | 多年前的一個星夜,某人的舊友曾驅車奔赴月亮……請您別見怪,上了年紀的盔甲,偶爾也會追憶往事。 Many years ago, on a starry night, an old friend drove to the moon ... This may surprise thee, but even an elderly armor remembers things past once in a while. | ||
帽簷與髮鬢 | 倘若您再往前一步,可就要和某人的鼻子親密接觸了……如果您能撞得到某人的頭的話。 One step further, and you will be in close contact with Someone's nose ... As long as you can hit Someone's head. | ||
袖與手 | 支撐某人一路走下去的動力是什麼?正義、榮譽、信仰……還有一丁點防止鎧甲生鏽的油脂。 What is the motivation for A Knight along the way? For justice. For honor. For faith ... And for a bit of grease to prevent the armor from rusting. | ||
衣著與身形 | 沒有身軀令您感到失落嗎?那麼,請允許某人向您引薦一位值得信任的朋友,杜拉罕騎士。 Living without the body makes thee disappointed? Then, please allow Someone to introduce thee to a trusty friend - Knight Dullahan. | ||
嗜好🔒 | 放心吧,所有的努力都會得到回報。某人曾認真學習過的盔甲保養手法,如今正好能應用在自己身上。 Don't worry. All thy efforts will pay off. Someone once learned the difficult technique of armor maintenance, and now it can applied to himself. | ||
讚賞🔒 | 某人從未懷疑過向您效忠的理由,您也證明瞭某人的選擇。 Someone have never doubted the reason for his loyalty to thee, and thou hast proved Someone's choice. | ||
親暱🔒 | 某人體驗過戰場的廝殺,也感受過織錦睡床與玫瑰花園。如果您想要一些故事,某人隨時為您恭候。 Someone hath experienced the fight on the battlefield, as well as the brocade bed and the rose garden. If you'd like some stories, Someone is always at thy service. | ||
閒談Ⅰ | 哪怕只是對付一個蘋果,某人也會奉行公平的準則……所以某人一次只挑戰一個。 Even if the enemy is just an apple, A Knight will follow the code of fairness ... So Someone only challenges one at a time. | ||
閒談Ⅱ | Roland sætte luren på blodiga mundi, blæs han i med vreide; Då rivna jord og jardir og ljod iver hav iver heier. Roland sætte luren på blodiga mundi, blæs han i med vreide; Då rivna jord og jardir og ljod iver hav iver heier. | ||
獨白🔒 | 某人的過去將與詩歌一同消失在風中。而今,某人會與這柄劍一起,再次以騎士的身份,為您鑄下新的傳奇。 Someone's past will fade away with poems in the wind. And now, Someone, with the sword, will once again build a brand new legend for thee as a knight. | ||
入隊 | 某人的劍,還沒有生鏽。 Someone's sword hath not rusted yet. | ||
戰前 | 舉起您的劍,與某人堂堂正正的對決。 Take thy sword. Duel with Someone fair and sqare. | ||
擇選咒語Ⅰ | 憐憫。 Mercy. | ||
擇選咒語Ⅱ | 英勇。 Brave. | ||
擇選高階咒語 | 永不退怯。 Ne jamais reculer. | ||
擇選至終的儀式 | 遵從眾神的意志。 Follow the will of Gods. | ||
釋放神秘術Ⅰ | 為手無寸鐵的人而戰。 Fight for the unarmed. | ||
絕不遲疑。 Never hesitate. | |||
釋放神秘術Ⅱ | 劍在鳴響。 The sword is drawn. | ||
呵! Ah! | |||
召喚至終的儀式 | 那號角聲在奏響,審判之日已來到。 His trumpets sound. The Judgement Day hath come. | ||
受敵Ⅰ | 鐺鐺—— Dang dang ... | ||
受敵Ⅱ | 招式不錯。 Nice move. | ||
戰鬥勝利 | 鑑於某人現在的身體狀況,授勳儀式可以從簡。 Considering Someone's physical condition, the investiture can be simplified. | ||
洞悉🔒 | 感謝您的照顧,某人的鎧甲得以免於鏽蝕之苦。 Thank you for taking good care of me. Someone's armor was saved from rust. | ||
洞悉之底🔒 | 上一次受封時,某人還是個年輕到過分的小夥子。但某人的虔誠與誓言從未改變,從往至今。 The last time when honored, Someone was only a man too young. But Someone's piety and oath hath been unchanged, now and always will be. |
單品信息 | ||
名稱 | 估值 | 概述 |
綠咬鵑手絹 Handkerchief |
0.5利齒子兒 | 由未銹鎧自行繡制的,帶有綠咬鵑圖案的絲綢手絹。
為了學會如何繡出綠咬鵑,未銹鎧付出了不少代價。萬幸的是,繡花針很難對一副鎧甲造成什麼實質性的傷害 |
一條長布條 Strip |
0.03利齒子兒 | 未銹鎧隨身攜帶的,不知道為何會跟他一同漂浮在空中的布條,用途十分可疑。
相傳,一名貴族在有資格成為騎士的時候,會由主君為其舉辦授勳儀式。而這條布條的形狀,與過去授勳儀式上的勛帶十分相似。 |
古董長劍 Sword |
無估值 | 沾染著鮮血的長劍。
為何能夠毫無損壞地保留到今天,仍然是個謎。「在那場戰鬥後,巨人的鮮血不曾乾涸,綠咬鵑也不曾歸來。」當採訪問及長劍上的血跡時,他這樣說。 |
文化一覽 | ||||||||||||||||||
武功歌 les Chansons de geste | ||||||||||||||||||
遊吟詩人們手裡拿著魯特琴,他們站在小酒館的柔和燈光中。 撥動琴絃,詩歌如同流水般湧出。 他們滿懷著敬意,滿懷著懷念地說出了大帝的名諱,以他麾下十二騎士的事跡為模板,創造出了一首又一首武功歌。 騎士們為了自己的信念,馳騁在歐洲大陸上。 人們聽著這些武功歌,為這些遙遠的騎士們舉起了手中的酒杯。 古老的歌謠並不會刻在石板上,但留在人們腦海中的他們,卻依舊能夠穿過時間。 甚至,它們要比大帝的豐功偉績,還要長久得多。 | ||||||||||||||||||
綠咬鵑 Resplendent Quetzal | ||||||||||||||||||
主君將騎士的勛帶賜予了騎士。 騎士單膝下跪,宣誓自己會為了榮譽而戰。
天使將長劍與號角賜予了騎士。 騎士單膝跪下,宣誓自己會為了信念而戰。
那位友人並沒有東西能夠賜予騎士。 但騎士依舊會向她宣誓——
空中飛過的綠咬鵑,就如同她所追尋的自由一般。即便只剩下靈魂,即便最後一刻似乎永遠沒有盡頭。騎士仍舊不會放棄自己的誓言。 | ||||||||||||||||||
騎士禮儀 [UTTU×未銹鎧] | ||||||||||||||||||