Sowel Devosiana是日本的《eXceed》系列彈幕遊戲及其衍生作品的登場角色之一。
《eXceed-GUN BULLET CHILDREN-》與《eXceed 2nd-VAMPIRE-》的登場角色。
《eXceed-GUN BULLET CHILDREN-》中的三自機之一,《eXceed 2nd-VAMPIRE-》及《eXceed 2nd-VAMPIRE REX-》 中的三面BOSS。
英文原文 |
Sowel volunteered for the Gun Bullet Children program to avenge the deaths of her parents who were killed by vampires. Her calm demeanor and level-headedness in battle have earned her the position of the defacto leader of the Gun Bullet Children. She wields the power 『Byte Kingdom』 which can summon a Killing Doll that will automatically target and attack enemies. [1] |
Sowel志願成為教會的槍彈少女(Gun Bullet Children)為了報殺害了她雙親的吸血鬼的仇。
她冷靜的舉止和高級的頭腦使她在戰中成為了槍彈少女(Gun Bullet Children)的實際首領。
她使用能力』Byte Kingdom』來召喚一隻殺戮人偶來自動瞄準和攻擊敵人。
英文原文 |
A member of the Church’s Gun Bullet Children, Sowel became an Exorcist of the Church to pursue a personal vengeance and shows no mercy to deviants. She uses the summoner’s art of Byte Kingdom, which commands Sylph, one of the Four Major Elementals. [2] |
教會的槍彈少女(Gun Bullet Children)的一員,Sowel成為教會的驅魔者來實現個人的復仇和顯示對變異者的毫不留情。
她是使用Byte Kingdom的召喚術士,用來命令四大基本元素之一的風精靈(Sylph)。