Ria File是日本的《eXceed》系列彈幕遊戲及其衍生作品的登場角色之一。
《eXceed 2nd-VAMPIRE-》及《eXceed 2nd-VAMPIRE REX-》的主角。
原名:Ria File
英文原文[1] |
Ria is the half-vampire, half-human protagonist of eXceed 2nd – Vampire REX. As a young girl, Ria lived in human society, but she was treated cruelly because she was a 『deviant』 – a person possessing both human and vampire blood. When Ria awakened to her magical powers, she used them to escape her confines and run away. The Church pursued her relentlessly, but just when all seemed lost, the leader of the vampires, the Undying Lord appeared and took her in. To repay Undead Lord for saving her life, Ria joined the deviant army and dreams of someday fighting by the side of the Undying Lord to save people like herself and others from the tyranny of the humans. |
《eXceed 2nd-VAMPIRE-》及《eXceed 2nd-VAMPIRE REX-》 中的自機。
Ria 在 《eXceed 2nd-VAMPIRE-》及《eXceed 2nd-VAMPIRE REX-》 中是一個半人半吸血鬼。
當Ria的魔法能力覺醒的時候,她用自己的能力來擺脫限制和逃跑。教會無情地追殺他,但眼見就要逃不掉的時候,吸血鬼的領袖,不死領主(Undying Lord)出現了和救走了Ria。
為了報答不死領主(Undead Lord)的救命之恩,Ria加入了變異者軍隊和夢想著有一天能站在不死領著的一邊為了保護像她那樣被人類暴政欺負的人。 (待補)
英文原文[2] |
Ria’s 『Ruin’s Legis’ ability allows her to switch between human and vampire forms at will. This not a magical ability, but a unique characteristic that Ria possesses. |
Ria的能力『墮落的法則』(Ruin’s Legis)能夠讓其在人類與吸血鬼之間隨其意志轉換。這不是魔法能力,但Ria是一個相當特殊的角色。