神秘磁帶(Mysterious Tapes)是遊戲《病嬌模擬器》中的收集要素,共10卷,以遊戲中的不知名記者的自白的形式記錄了遊戲中1989年的那場事件以及事後作者的經歷。
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Looks like it still works. 看起來它還能用呢。 ... ... ...As long as it's recording, I suppose I may as well say something... 既然它還能錄,那我想最好還是說些什麼…… How long has it been since I last used this thing? 上一次使用這樣東西是什麼時候呢? It's been at least two decades...almost three? 應該有二十年…快三十年之久? Those were better times. I was so young back then. My future seemed...so bright. 那時候的時光比現在美好。我那時那麼年輕,我的前途似錦…… I remember following my dreams. I remember a promising career. I remember...being happy. 我還記得那時的我,追逐著我的夢想,有理想的職業生涯,我記得那時的我是那麼的……無憂無慮。 If I could turn back time...what would I do differently? 若能時光回溯……我會做不同的事情麼? I know. I know exactly what I should have done. 我知道,我知道什麼是正確的做法…… I shouldn't have gotten involved in that case...with that girl. 我不應該與那個女孩一同捲入那個事件…… Pursuing her was the right thing to do...but if I hadn't involved myself with her, I'd still have a career. 逮捕她的確是正確的選擇……但,如果我沒有和她扯上關係的話,那我還是會有工作的。 When did it begin? I think it was...April of 1989. 那是什麼時候開始的?我想……大概是1989年的四月。 The peak of my career as an investigative journalist. 當我的作為一名調查記者的職業生涯達到頂峰之時。 That's when I heard about a murder at the local high school. The police had no leads. 那時,我聽說在本地的高中裡發現了一宗謀殺案,而警察毫無頭緒。 I decided to investigate it myself. I tried to be a hero... 我決定獨自調查這個案件,我費勁心思想成為英雄…… ...and that was the worst mistake of my life. ……那實在是我人生當中最錯誤的決定。 |
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The school's faculty didn't let me conduct an investigation on school grounds. 那個學校的教職工不允許我在學校內展開調查。 They were highly concerned with maintaining their prestigious reputation. 他們高度關心維護自己學校優越的聲譽。 They didn't want any police or journalists snooping around and ruining the school's image any more than the murder already had. 他們不允許任何警察或是記者在學校周圍調查並在那宗謀殺案發生後再度破壞學校的名聲。 Or maybe they just had something to hide, and didn't want the authorities to find out. 又或許他們只不過是有什麼秘密需要去隱藏,而不希望政府知道。 To this day I still don't know how the school managed to convince the police that any crime that happens on school grounds can only be investigated for 6 hours maximum. 任何犯罪事件在學校發生,警察最多隻能調查六個小時。至今,我仍不知道學校是如何說服他們這樣做的。 I heard a rumor that the school's headmaster bribes the police department to expedite their investigations as much as possible. 不過我倒是聽說過一個謠言,說這個學校的校長賄賂過警察局,讓警察儘量快地完成調查。 There are a lot of unsavory rumors about the school's headmaster, but...none have been proven to be true. 話又說回來,關於這個學校的校長有太多的謠言了,但……沒有哪一個被證實過。 Because I couldn't walk around the school, I tried to gather information by interviewing students outside the school gate when they entered or left the school. 因為我不被允許在學校內遊蕩,所以在私下,學生們上學、放學時,我儘量去從他們那裡獲取消息。 It was at this point in time that I noticed a peculiar girl who was quite obviously stalking one of her seniors. 值得注意的是,我發現了一個古怪的女孩。她總是跟蹤著她的一個高年級學生,這相當明顯。 I decided to keep my eye on her, and before long, I began to observe some disturbing behavior from her. 我決定把注意集中在她身上,在那之後,我發現了她的行為舉止不大正常。 |
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From the school gate, I witnessed the girl do more than just stalk an upperclassman... 透過學校的鐵門縫隙,我發現了那個女孩不只是在跟蹤一位高年級的學生而已…… ...she stalked any girl that spoke to him. 她甚至跟蹤每一個與那個高年級學生交流過的女生。 Through student interviews, I kept tabs on what happened to those girls... 通過與其他學生的私下交流,我監視著那些姑娘,看她們身上究竟發生了什麼…… ...They became victims of bullying, were expelled, and in some cases, stopped coming to school. 她們變成了被欺辱的受害者,被開除,或被捲入一些事件,導致無法再來上學。 I frequently saw the girl running with a mop and a bucket, as though she always had some sort of mess to clean up. 我常常能看見那個女孩拿著拖把和水桶奔跑著,她看起來總有一堆髒東西需要清理。 That girl was using manipulation, intimidation, and sometimes even violence to sabotage the boy's love life. 那個姑娘會使用操縱、恐嚇等手段,有時候甚至會扭曲那個男孩的戀愛生活。 If she wasn't above that kind of behavior, the possibility of murder didn't seem too far off. 如果她沒有做上述的事情,那這些兇殺案可能看起來還不算太離譜。 I didn't want to believe that a schoolgirl would actually commit murder just to keep a boy single, but the evidence was staring me straight in the face. 我不相信一個女學生可以僅僅為了讓一個男孩子保持單身而犯罪,但證據就擺在我的眼前。 That's when I learned a crucial piece of information... 那時,我恍然大悟…… ...The girl who was murdered at the beginning of the school year had a crush on the same boy that was being stalked. 被殺的那個女孩,在學期之始也迷戀上了她跟蹤的男孩。 The final piece of the puzzle had fallen into place. 最後的謎題也解開了。 I knew that I had found the culprit...and I went to the police with my findings. 我知道我已經找到了兇手……我帶著我的發現去了警察局。 It took a lot of talking, but I was eventually able to convince them to take the girl into custody. 經過很長時間的交涉,我最終說服了他們將那個女孩拘留。 |
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The idea of a murderous schoolgirl was enough to attract lots of attention. 一個女學生為了這種事情去犯罪著實新鮮,由此吸引了大批眼球。 Word of her arrest quickly spread throughout the entire nation. 她被捕的消息迅速傳遍了全國。 The trial turned into a media circus. I became a celebrity practically overnight. 這場審訊內容被公開。我也由此,在一夜之間紅遍全國。 I didn't want to be a public figure, but I did want my investigative skill to be recognized. 我並不想成為一名公眾人物,但我的確希望我的調查能力受到認可。 I hoped that all the attention would boost my career. 我希望我的事業能因為群眾的圍觀而芝麻開花節節高。 As it turns out, I was dead wrong. 但事實證明,我錯的太離譜了。 That manipulative little schoolgirl put on the best act I've ever seen. 那個有心機的小女孩演了一場我生平中看過的最好的戲。 She cried non-stop, feigned ignorance at every opportunity, and had an excuse for every accusation leveled at her. 她一刻不停地哭,一有機會就假裝無知,由此,她受到的指控都被她的每一句藉口收回。 The court fell in love with her. The media fell in love with her. The entire damn nation fell in love with her. 法庭、媒體、這該死的國家一定都是對她偏愛有加。 She called me a dirty pervert who enjoyed leering at schoolgirls. 她說我是喜歡尾行女學生的骯髒變態痴漢。 She called me a fame-seeking yellow journalist. 她說我是一個只會尋找不雅新聞的黃色記者。 She claimed that I only accused her of murder for sensational headlines. 她說我說她謀殺只是為了博取眼球,只是為了上頭條。 And the court bought every word of it. 法官宣佈她無罪的那天, The day the judge declared her innocent, the entire country celebrated like it was a damn holiday. 舉國歡慶,像在度過一個該死的節日一般。 |
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From that day forward, I was a national disgrace. 從那天起,我成了國家的恥辱。 I was known across the nation as a lecherous journalist who stalked schoolgirls and tried to throw a girl in prison to boost his own career. 我已經被大家稱作一名為了事業而整天跟蹤女學生還想把女生指控進監獄的黃色記者了。 I saw disgust in the eyes of every person who looked at me. 我看到了大家用厭惡的眼光看著我。 My house and my car were vandalized every day for weeks. 我的房子和汽車每日每夜都被人惡意毀壞。 Needless to say, I was never able to work as a journalist again. 不用說,我也不能再當一名記者了。 The police department that arrested the girl was also the subject of national criticism. 逮捕那名女生的警察局也成為了全國批評的焦點。 They were accused of being incompetent fools who would arrest anybody without sufficient evidence. 他們被指控為沒有足夠證據就隨意逮捕人的無能白痴。 Ever since then, the police in that town have been extremely lenient in an attempt to repair their reputation... 在那以後,那警察部門為了想要挽救聲譽,開始極度鬆懈起來。 ...and don't want to go anywhere near the local high school except for extremely brief periods of time. 除了某段時間,他完全不想巡邏那學校附近。 But the worst part of the entire experience didn't come from the media or the public. 但是最糟糕的經歷不是來自媒體或大眾。 Immediately after the trial, I tried to escape the press by hiding in an alley behind the courthouse. 在那次審判之後,我逃離媒體的視線,躲進了法院後面的一個巷子裡。 Only one person found me there. It wasn't a journalist or a reporter. 只有一個人發現了我,他不是記者也不是播報員。 It was the girl who had just been declared innocent. 而是那位剛剛被判無罪的女生。 I'll never forget her face that day. She was smiling, but her eyes were blank. 我永遠無法忘記她那天的表情,她面帶笑容,眼神空白。 Empty. Soulless. Like a doll's eyes. 她的眼神空虛、無神,就像洋娃娃一般。 She looked like she didn't have a single ounce of humanity in her entire body. 她看起來像是她體內已經沒有人性的樣子。 With that smiling face, she said to me... 她帶著那微笑的表情對我說…… "It would be very easy to make your death look like a suicide. Don't ever cross me again." 「把你弄死並讓它變成一場自殺非常簡單,不要再打擾我了。」 She turned around and left without another word. 她二話不說轉身走了。 |
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My life was a living hell for about a year, while the trial was still fresh in people's minds. 在法院審判依然駐紮在人民的心裡的這一年,我像是活在地獄當中。 Eventually, the hatred subsided, but it never truly died. 最終,仇恨平息了,但並沒有真正消失。 There was always someone who recognized me, no matter how much I tried to change my appearance. 無論我有多努力地去改變我的外表,總是有人能夠認出我來。 Finding employment was nearly impossible. 找到工作幾乎是不可能的事。 I drifted between part-time jobs, and spent my free time drinking to ease the pain of becoming the national punching bag. 我不停地為了兼職工作奔波,把自由時間花在試圖用飲酒抹去我成為國家沙袋的痛苦身上。 It was around this point in time that I met my future wife. 就在這時,我遇見了我將來的妻子。 I still don't understand what she saw in me. 我還是不明白她是看上了我的哪一點。 I was an absolute wreck, not to mention the laughingstock of the entire country. 我完全就是個敗類,更別提還是整個國家的笑柄。 But as soon as we met, she wanted to spend every waking moment with me. 但自從我們相遇之後,她便想要把醒著的每分每秒都與我共同度過。 She wouldn't let me out of her sight, and got possessive if another woman so much as looked at me. 她不允許我離開她的視線,其他的女人哪怕只是看了我一眼,都會激起她的佔有慾。 I quickly began to depend on her for everything. 我很快就開始非常依賴她。 It wasn't long before I couldn't live without her. 不久之後我就沒法不依靠她生活了。 I certainly wasn't in any state to take care of myself... 我已經完全沒法照顧我自己了。 I was like an adult-sized baby. Helpless and vulnerable. 我就像一個成人外表的嬰兒一樣,無助又脆弱。 Who knows...maybe that's what she was attracted to. 誰知道呢……說不定就是這一點吸引了她。 Maybe she just wanted to experience the sensation of owning a person. 說不定她只不過想要體驗下擁有一個人的感受吧。 Maybe she wanted to keep a human pet. 或者她想要養一個人當寵物。 Maybe all she wanted was someone who she could emotionally depend on. 又或者她想要有一個她能依靠的人吧。 Even after all these years, I don't understand why anyone would waste their time with a man like me...but none of that mattered. 這些年來,我還是無法理解為什麼會有人會浪費他們的時間在一個像我這樣的人的身上……但這些都不重要了。 Despite all my flaws, she accepted me. And that's all that I needed. 她無視了我所有的瑕疵,接受了我。這就是我所需要的一切了。 We got married about six months after meeting each other. 在相遇了6個月後,我們結婚了。 |
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My wife died while giving birth to our only child. 我的妻子在生我唯一的孩子的時候去世了。 I still don't know how I possibly found the strength to keep going after I lost her. 我到現在都不知道我在失去了她之後是怎麼撐過來的。 I could barely take care of myself, much less a baby. 我不知道如何照顧自己,更不用說照顧小孩了。 Somehow, I managed to make it through those years... 不知怎麼的,我撐過了這些年…… ...But even after all this time, I'm still a deadbeat drunk who can't hold down a job. ……縱使在這麼長的時間之後,我依然是個沒出息的酒鬼,連個工作都保不住。 It was very difficult to love my own infant daughter, knowing that my wife was dead because of her. 在知道我的妻子是為女兒而死之後,想要愛我的年幼的女兒非常困難。 I'm pretty sure I was a horrible father. 我覺得我是個很糟糕的父親。 She practically had to raise herself. 她幾乎得自己養活自己。 I never tried to spend much time with her, or learn about her interests. 我從來沒在她身上花太多時間,也沒去理過她的興趣愛好。 Even now, I don't think I know much about her. 就算現在,我覺得我不是很瞭解她。 I don't even know what kind of person she's turned into. 我不知道她成了什麼樣的人。 I don't even know what her everyday life is like. 我不知道她每天過的是怎樣的生活。 I know that she spends all of her time on her computer. 我知道她把所有的時間都花在她的電腦上了。 She bought it herself. She seems to have a lot of money for someone her age. 那是她自己買的。就她這個年齡的人而言,她好像有很多錢的樣子。 I'm afraid to ask where it comes from. 我不敢問她的錢是從哪兒來的。 Sometimes she comes home with blood on her clothing. 有時她回到家,衣服上還帶著血。 I can't tell if it's her blood or someone else's blood, I...try to stay out of her business. 我不知道那到底是她的血還是其他人的血,我……試圖不去管她。 It's partially out of respect for her privacy... 這一部分是出於對她的隱私的尊重…… ...but it's mostly out of fear. ……但更多的是出於恐懼。 |
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I've never told anyone about any of this. 我從未告訴任何人這件事。 Never saw a shrink, never had any friends to confide in. 沒有退路,沒有可以傾訴的朋友。 I thought it would be therapeutic to record my feelings, even if I'm only talking to an obsolete machine... 雖然我只是對一個老式機器傾訴自己的情感,但是我希望這能給我一點安慰…… ...but this hasn't calmed me down at all. ...但是這根本無法讓我冷靜下來。 The only thing to come out of this experience is that all the anger and the hate I've kept buried for the past two decades has risen back to the surface. 僅僅是因為讓我壓抑20多年的憤怒和憎恨重新浮出了水面。 I don't think I can go back to the way things were before. 我認為我回不到過去了。 I don't think I can go back to wasting my time with crappy part-time jobs, drinking, and sitting on a couch feeling miserable. 我也不認為我能靠無意義的零工、酗酒和在沙發上鬱悶來回到過去。 I don't want this to be my life! 這不是我想要的生活! ...but I can't let myself die just yet, either. 但是我還不能就這樣死。 Not until I see justice served. 不能在我還沒看到正義被伸張的時候死去。 That girl, from 1989...she's a grown woman by now, but she's never been punished for the sins of her youth. 那個1989年的女孩……她現在是個成年人了,卻未因她年輕時的罪過得到應有的懲罰。 I can't go on living in a world where a monster like her walks around in public. 我不能繼續生活在一個有她這隻怪物到處遊蕩的世界了。 I'm the only one who knows the truth about her, so I'm the only one who can bring her to justice. 我是唯一一個知道她真相的人,我也是唯一一個能讓她面對正義的制裁的人。 I still know how to track a person down. I still know how to learn a person's secrets. I still know how to dig up the truth. 我還知道如何追查一個人。我還知道如何得到一個人的秘密。我還知道如何刨根問底,直至真相大白。 For the first time in decades, I feel like I have a purpose. 在這20年裡,我第一次感覺到自己有了一個目標。 I feel like I know what to do with my life. 我感覺我找到了生的意義。 I'm going to deliver justice to that murderer, or I'm going to die trying. 我會讓正義在那個兇手身上伸張,不成功,毋寧死。 ...this old antique was good for something, after all. ……這個古董畢竟還是有點用處的吧。 |
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I found her. It wasn't hard. She never even moved out of her hometown. 我不費吹灰之力找到了她,她甚至永遠沒有離開她的家鄉。 I've been following her around town for the last week. 在過去的一週,我在小鎮周圍跟著她。 It's not that hard to follow someone around without being spotted if you know the right tricks. 如果你知道正確的訣竅,在沒有任何幫助的情況下不被發現地跟蹤一個人並不是很難。 The only difficult part is looking at her without being consumed in disgust. 唯一困難的部分在於盯著她不會被人厭惡。 Thinking about what she got away with...thinking about what she's responsible for...it almost makes me go blind with rage. 想想她是怎麼離開的……想想她代表著什麼……這幾乎快讓我快憤怒到瞎眼了。 This whole week, I've felt like something was wrong. 這一週,我感覺像是哪裡有問題。 Yesterday, I realized what it was. 就在昨天,我意識到了問題所在。 I'm surprised it took me so long to figure it out. 我很驚訝這件事讓我花了這麼長時間才想明白。 She'd suddenly change direction when walking, or linger in one place for seemingly no reason. 她會突然改變行走的方向,或者看起來沒有道理地在一個地方徘徊。 I recognize that behavior. It's my own behavior. 我研究了這些行為,這是我自己的行為。 I know what she's doing. She's stalking someone. 我知道她在幹什麼:偷偷逼近某個人。 It didn't take me long to figure out who her prey was. 我很快就想到了誰是她的獵物。 A young woman, just out of high school. 一位年輕的女孩,剛剛從高中放學回家。 I don't know what she's done wrong, but she's clearly marked for death. 我不知道她做錯了什麼,但是很清楚她會標上死亡標記。 She'll be dead within the week if I don't do something. 如果我什麼都沒做的話,這一週內她會死。 I want to warn her that a killer is stalking her, but... 我想警告她有一個殺手在偷偷逼近,但是...... ...I can't repeat the mistakes of the past. 我不能重犯過去的錯誤。 In order to convict this monster and send her to prison, I need firm evidence that she's a murderer. 為了讓這個怪物被定罪、送她進監獄,我需要關於她是個謀殺犯的確鑿證據。 If I save this young woman's life, I won't have any evidence. 如果我救了這個年輕女孩的命,我就不會有任何證據了。 I have to let her die. 我不該救她的命。 And I have to be there when it happens, filming her murder. 我需要在謀殺發生的時候在現場,拍下她是兇手的證據。 It's the only way to get the evidence I need. 這是我獲得我需要的證據的唯一途徑。 The only to make sure that justice is served. 這是唯一可以確保正義會被伸張的途徑。 But...is this really justice? Letting a woman die? 但是……這是真正的正義?讓一個女孩去死? If I don't get this monster arrested, then there will only be more victims in the future. 如果我沒有讓這個怪物被逮捕,未來只會有更多的人成為受害者。 So, letting her commit murder one last time is...the right thing to do... 所以,讓她再殺最後一個……是對的事情…… ...isn't it? ……不是嗎? |
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I'm a fool! I'm a god damned fool! 我是個笨蛋!一個天殺的笨蛋! I got sloppy. She caught me. 我太草率,被她逮到了。 I followed her into an alley. Lost her in the shadows. 我跟著她進了一個小巷,但是在影子中跟丟了她。 Then I heard her voice from behind me... 然後我聽到她的聲音從我身後傳來…… "Long time no see, Mr. Journalist." 「好久不見啊,記者先生。」 I turned around and saw her just inches away from me. 我轉過身,看到她離我只有一英尺。 She was smiling. I recognized that smile. 她臉上浮現出似曾相識的笑容。 It was the exact same smile she wore when she threatened my life in 1989. 這和她在1989年時威脅我生命的笑容一模一樣。 I didn't know what to do. I just turned and ran. 我不知道該怎麼辦,只能轉身逃跑。 I've broken a truce that has lasted almost three decades. 我破壞了一個約定,持續了三十年的約定。 She knows I was after her! 她知道我逃不掉! There's no way she'll let me live; I'm doomed! 她不可能放我生路!我死定了! I can't go to the police; I'll sound like a babbling lunatic without any evidence, and right now, I don't have any. 我不能去警察局,如果我沒有證據,他們只會把我當成一個胡說八道的瘋子,而現在,我什麼都沒有。 Even if they do listen to me, and investigate her, they won't find anything. 就算他們聽我的,對她進行調查,他們也查不出什麼。 My only option is to leave town - no...no, no, it's worse than that. 我的唯一選擇就是離開這個城鎮,不…不,不,這還不夠。 I have to leave Japan altogether. 我應該完全地離開日本。 I searched for you. But I couldn't find you. 我曾經去找你,但我找不到你; I can't wait for you to come home. I have to leave immediately. 我不能等到你回家,我必須立刻去找你。 I'm going to gather all of the recordings I've made so far and put them where I know you'll find them. 我要去收集所有我錄下的錄音帶,然後把它們放在我想你能找到的地方。 That way, at least you'll know why your father disappeared so suddenly. 這樣一來,你至少能知道為什麼你的父親消失得那麼突然。 I only hope that she won't try to get revenge on me by harming you. 我只希望她不會嘗試為了報復我去傷害你。 I don't know when I'll be back. 我不知道我什麼時候會回來。 I don't know if I'll be back. 我不知道我會不會回來。 I don't know if she's willing to cross oceans to hunt her prey. 我不知道她會不會跨越整個大洋來追捕她的獵物。 If she is, I'll try to lure her into a trap, try to expose her true nature in front of the police. It's my only hope. 如果她要這麼做,我會設法引誘她進入陷阱,在警察面前揭開她的真面目。這是我唯一的希望。 I know you can take care of yourself. 我知道你能照顧好你自己。 If I had more time, there are so many things I'd say to you, but I can't - not now. 如果我還有更多時間,我還有很多話要對你說——但不是現在。 Stay safe. 願你安全。 ...I love you... ……我愛你…… |
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參考Fandom社區yandere-simulator中的相關文章: |
Mysterious Tapes | |
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