local module = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local Color = require('Module:color') function _main(args) local action = args[1] local arg1 = args[2] local arg2 = args[3] local arg3 = args[4] if action == 'reverse' then local color = arg1 return Color.create(color):reverse():toString('hex') end if action == 'random' then local min = arg1 or 0 local max = arg2 or 255 return Color.random(min, max):toString('hex') end if action == 'opacity' then local color = arg1 local opacity = arg2 return Color.create(color):setOpacity(opacity):toString() end if action == 'isLight' then local color = arg1 return Color.create(color):isLight() and 1 or '' end if action == 'isDark' then local color = arg1 return Color.create(color):isDark() and 1 or '' end if action == 'mix' then local color1 = Color.create(arg1) local color2 = Color.create(arg2) local weight = arg3 return color1:mix(color2, weight):rgb():toString('hex-opacity') end if action == 'test' then function block(text, color) return '<ruby style="color:'..color..'">■<rt style="color:black">'..text..'<rt></ruby> ' end local color = Color.create(arg1) local left = '' local right = '' for i=1, 9 do i = i * 10 left = block('-'..i, color:clone():lighten(i):toString())..left right = right..block('+'..i, color:clone():darken(i):toString()) end return '<div style="font-size:30px">'..left..block('▼', color:toString())..right..'</div>' end if action:find('^[sl]?[%+%-]') then local color = Color.create(arg1) local operateProperty = 'lightness' local operator = '' local ratio = 0 if action:find('^[sl]') then operateProperty = ({ s = 'saturation', l = 'lightness' })[action:sub(1, 1)] operator = action:sub(2, 2) ratio = tonumber(action:sub(3)) or 10 else operator = action:sub(1, 1) ratio = tonumber(action:sub(2)) or 10 end -- 映射要使用的每組方法 local methods = ({ saturation = {'saturate', 'desaturate'}, lightness = {'darken', 'lighten'} })[operateProperty] local usedMethod = operator == '+' and methods[1] or methods[2] return Color[usedMethod](color, ratio):toString('hex') end end function module.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return _main(args) end return module