MechaLullaby(機甲搖籃曲) | |
演唱 | TetraCalyx |
填詞 | TetraCalyx |
作曲 | TetraCalyx |
編曲 | TetraCalyx |
I look up into the sky above the world How many stories have been told to all Time to write a page to record Maybe memories will fade someday But something lasts forever To be alive is a wonderful thing And the world is a wonderful place where you will run into your goddess Around here or there, everywhere
仰望天空 世人知曉多少故事 記錄一頁 記憶有天凋謝 但有些事物不變 生存是奇蹟 世界亦是奇蹟 邂逅是奇蹟 發生於此處,彼處 無所不及
I look down to hide my face about to cry Hearing those stories written by those who survived That's how lives go on day and night Colors of this page will fade someday That's the magic of time To be alive is a wonderful thing And the world is a wonderful place where you will run into your goddess Around here or there, everywhere
當聽了那些倖存者們寫下的故事 我低頭遮掩欲泣的臉 日夜交替,生命持續 這一頁的色彩也會褪去 這就是時間的魔法 生存是奇蹟 世界亦是奇蹟 邂逅是奇蹟 發生於此處,彼處 無所不及
When you wake up in the sunlight If you still find the one you cherish in a place nearby You don't have to wonder why My dearest one, I'll always be by your side Wherever you go Whenever you wish to come back to the place where you've belonged
如果你在晨光中醒來 看到珍視的人仍在身邊 不需要感到奇怪 我最心愛的你 我會一直陪伴 無論你去到哪裡 無論你何時想要回到最初的地方
To be alive is a wonderful thing And the world is a wonderful place where you will run into your goddess Around here or there, everywhere But now Close your eyes, tomorrow is a new day Leave your fears and tears to yesterday You have peace for now Let me sing you again this lullaby
生存是奇蹟 世界亦是奇蹟 邂逅是奇蹟 發生於此處,彼處 無所不及 但現在 請閉上眼睛 明天又是嶄新的 把恐懼與淚水留給昨天 你擁有此刻安寧 讓我再為你唱一曲
Remember, out of your reach, up in the sky Every shining star is light years apart But halos traveled long and far Like those who have met you and will be with you long forever
請記住,遙遠的天空裡 每一顆星都位於光年之外 但它們的光芒從很久以前就已出發 經過漫長的旅途到達你身邊 有些人也是很久以前就出發 才能和你相遇 永遠陪伴